Angular's environment variables are baked into the application on every build and not meant to be changed afterwards by default. Go to the spring boot project folder and create a docker file as follows- From openjdk:8 copy./target/employee-producer-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar employee-producer-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar CMD Now, you need to map the directory to a directory on the host when you run our container: Docker file is a list of commands that we want the docker engine to execute. This is the same tag that you pass to docker run. Docker didn’t download the openjdk:8-jre-alpine image since docker has it cached locally.
All these additional builds, and all the next builds (including the prod one) will be very fast, as all the NPM.
Docker provides a consistent way to develop, package, ship and run an application on almost any platform. I have created this tutorial to give you an in-depth understanding of docker and docker-compose. This is a Zero to Hero series, to make you up and running with docker.
Updated 2 years ago Advanced Docker tutorial is a complete docker tutorial with examples.